Taxpayers have the option to pay Real Estate taxes online using the Jordan Tax Service Electronic Payments Processing Page. An extra fee will be charged for using this service, which is different than the fees charged in 2022.

Follow the link: If the link does not work, copy and paste it into your browser.

Please review and accept the Terms of Use.

After accepting the Terms of Use, enter the appropriate code for the tax you are paying:

Next, enter the Lot & Block number for your property. Click on the link “Find your Info”.

Your information should appear. Follow the instructions to enter your phone number and e-mail address. Your receipt will be sent to this e-mail address.

Enter the payment amount, which will be found on your real estate tax bill. Be sure to pay the correct amount based on the due dates.

Then select “Credit Card” or “Electronic Check” depending on the service that you want to use. The Electronic Check option is generally less expensive than the Credit card option

Follow the instruction to enter the payment information required.

If you have any problems using this service, contact Jordon Tax Service at 724-731-2311.